Once upon a time… there was a fish and a little yellow house.

When art carries us into unknown lands.
Every story begins with “Once upon a time”.
A few, simple words that hold great power: like a spell they carry us out of our rooms, off of our beds where we read ourselves to sleep after a long day.
In the blink of an eye we are floating towards enchanted lands, over castles with golden towers, princesses and valiant kings, giant dragons behind walls of fire, pirate ships, compasses and hidden treasures.
When painting, just like in a fairy tale, I let my fantasy guide me wherever it wants.
That’s how, in my last two canvases, I imagined a fish, and then a little yellow house.
A funny, giant fish with blue scales, maybe a bit bored, floating on skyscrapers and ferris wheels… or were they seaweed and anemones? There is no limit to what we can think of, and choose to paint in our minds, simply imagine! In fact - and that’s the beauty of it - the realm of imagination is the only one that belongs entirely to ourselves, everything is allowed, we are the queens and kings!
Let’s celebrate then, with a rich banquet, let’s create stories about a little yellow house standing there, waiting for who knows what. Let’s go inside, let’s rummage in every room and every drawer, and then let’s meet our neighbors, whether they are humans or creatures we just invented.
Wherever my two canvases will be hosted, my hope is that they bring this message along, and that each time you look at them you will be invited to explore all the colors of your inner worlds!
All my canvases are available here: https://www.ileniarosati.it/en/13-canvas
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